Transmedia Project

My transmedia project takes inspiration from contemporary properties from the Super Hero genre. Inspired by works such as Christopher Nolan’s The Dark KnightMarvel Comics’ Civil War, and Sucker Punch’s InFamous.

Product/End Result: Feature Film. Supers: A disastrous terror attack annihilates 7 city blocks in the (fictitious) city of New Empire.  After the incident, Felix Ruskin, a young courier discovers he has unique super powers. But he is not alone; an entirely new social class rises from the ashes of New Empire, as “Conduits” appear and become more common, an agency dedicated to tracking and regulating them is formed. But the Conduits are not seen equally in all eyes. Some revere them as gods, while others see them as threats to humanity. Leading the movement is an enigmatic speaker, Bishop Balthazar, who hijacks Television signals to further his message.
But the International Conduit Control Agency’s (ICCA) methods are sketchy. Entire cities around the world are cut off from the outside world. People suspected of containing the conduit gene disappear over-night. And ICCA operatives roam the streets enforcing martial law, with reports of some exhibiting their own super-powers. Things take a turn for the worse for Conduits, when Balthazar begins to raise his own militia, and begins to actively hunt what he calls “Bio-Terrorists”.
But Balthazar is not the only one fighting for a cause. A conduit known as Holiday uses similar methods to rally others to the defence of “Supers”.
As things approach breaking point, it lies on Ruskin to protect the citizens of New Empire from the agents who locked them in. Or, become corrupted by his power, leading him to transform into the monster people see him to be.

Transmedia elements:

A YouTube account by Bishop Balthazar: This account will post cryptic videos, as an outlet for his disdain towards the “Bio-Terrorists”. While many of these videos will be of Balthazar talking to a camera, his face is never fully visible. Eventually Bishop becomes much more violent in his approach and calls for the extermination of anyone suspected to be a bio-terrorist.

A similar account by Holiday: This account will post similarly enigmatic videos intended to rally others to his cause.

Home video of conduits: A whole range of non-descript YouTube channels will upload videos of these “supers” using their powers. A website, run by the ICCA which provides information on the public face of the ICCA, and information about the recent rise in the conduit gene.

Flyers hung up in several major cities across the world: These posters come from several sources, including ICCA material telling citizens to remain calm, propaganda by Balthazar’s militia, and Holiday’s associates.

Protests and rallies held in several major cities: Organised protests demanding equal rights for Supers, harsher regulation and registration on conduits, and complete separation of humans and bio-terrorists.

A Sound cloud account run by an unknown person: This account uploads leaked audio clips from within the ICCA, relating to quarantine zones, conduits, and the ICCA’s inner workings.

Secret Conduit meetings: Clues found on posters and in Holiday’s videos point to specific secluded places and times. Those who appear at the designated times and places will be given instructions by Holiday to further the cause.

Supers | Reveal Trailer:  The first glimpse of footage from the film. This will be shown exclusively first to audience members who engaged with other elements of the campaign. Inside will be small teases of the elements the audience interacted with, including names, faces, the wider scope of the world of the film, and even footage of the various protests that took place.

Click here for the entire Supers, Playlist.


Pictured above: The Chronological order of events in the lead up to the film’s release. In the world of Supers, the New Empire disaster occurs prior to any of the events shown.

Transmedia Project

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